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EU co-funded


Following projects have been co-funded by the European Union – Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness.

New Company Headquarters

Project name: Construction of new production and administrative premises for GRADIOR TECH a.s.

Project registration No. (MS2014+): CZ.01.2.07/0.0/0.0/16_058/0007590

Number and name of the OP EIC priority axis: PA 2 – Development of entrepreneurship and competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises

Project location: Brno-Královo Pole City, Cadastral office in Královo pole, plot No. 4122/1, 4122/69, 4122/70

Project objective: The aim of the project is to modernize outdated and technically inadequate buildings in the Brno-city region in order to use the real estate for small business for production, storage and administrative activities. The project is based on the strategic development objective of GRADIOR TECH a.s. in the production and business area and fulfils its partial objectives. The project is implemented and co-funded by the European Union – Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness – sub-programme Real Estate.


Product and Process Innovations

Project name: Innovations in GRADIOR TECH a.s.

Project registration No. (MS2014+): CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/17_170/0014652

Number and name of the OP EIC priority axis: PA 2 – Development of entrepreneurship and competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises

Project location: Brno-Královo Pole City, Cadastral office in Královo pole, plot No. 4122/ 251, 4122/69, 4122/70

Project objective: Two product innovations and one process innovation will be implemented within the project. Innovative technology will be acquired to enable the serial production of two new products, the RCL platform and the CompaDrive ST silent drive. The project will be implemented in new premises that will be built on plots No. 4122/251, 4122/69 and 4122/70, owned by GRADIOR TECH a.s. The plots are listed in the business plan and are documented by an extract from the Land Registry (Certificate of Ownership 11825).


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